Je m’appelle Maryam 

by Maryam Madjidi

Maryam est obligée de quitter son pays natal car ses parents ont décidé d'immigrer dans un pays libre. Dans un premier temps, la petite fille est malheureuse car elle doit apprendre une nouvelle langue et se familiariser avec un autre univers.

Publication Information 

Published: 2019

Originally written in French

Number of pages: 45 pages

Recommended FSL Programs and Grades

Race/Ethnic/Geographic Information

Author: Maryam Madjidi was born in 1980 in Tehran. She left Iran at the age of six to live in France. She displays French to unaccompanied minors.

Characters: Iranian

Setting: uncertain where character moves from and to

Notes from a teacher-reader

Feel free to contact the teacher-reader, Caitlin Doyle, at if you have questions about this novel.